How Much Can An Abortion Cost? Know The Fact

What is the cost of abortion procedure

When it comes to ending an unwanted pregnancy, there are many factors which influence the decision of the method of abortion. The price is one of the key factors which influence this decision since there’s a huge difference in the prices of abortion pills and the cost for a surgical abortion.

This blog explores the price factor involved in the abortion process. It further helps women understand how to reach out the safe abortion services at an affordable cost.

The cost of surgical abortion:

Surgical abortion can be performed in two ways. (1) Dilation (2) Aspiration. Both procedures are invasive ways of ending an unwanted pregnancy where surgical instruments are used. The cost of both surgical abortion types is around one and the same.

If you went to a clinic to get your pregnancy terminated, it could charge you around a thousand dollars which can vary depending on the gestation of your pregnancy. The cost of abortion surgery also depends on the clinic that you chose for the treatment.

Some regions may not have provisions of surgical abortion centers. In such cases, women have to go to different regions to get the surgery done for terminating their unwanted pregnancy.

With you traveling to a different region to get an abortion done, the cost of surgical pregnancy termination procedure increases.

The cost of medical abortion:

Medical termination of pregnancy does not involve any surgery as it is performed with the help of abortion medications such as Mifeprex, Cytolog. MTP kit is also one of the options where the required pill combination is made available.

The abortion medicines bring in hormonal changes in the body through which they remove pregnancy tissues from the body. The antiprogesterone pill which is the first medicine from the combination stops the fetal growth by working against progesterone hormone. It also separates the pregnancy from the womb.

Cytolog which is the second pill from the drug combination has components to bring contractions in the lining of the uterus. It expels the tissues of the embryo through vaginal bleeding. After taking this medicine, the woman experiences sudden pain in the abdominal.

area which follows by heavy menstrual-like bleeding. This could also pass blood clots of lemon size.

Since the whole procedure is based on the two medicines of medical pregnancy termination, the procedure does not require women to have a hefty amount be paid.

Where can you get medication for abortion?

You can buy abortion pill from the nearest pharma store. If the region where you belong to does not have any pharma store, you don’t have to travel to reach safe abortion medications. Instead, you can get abortion pills online.

A lot of women choose to buy abortion pills through online pharmacies since it allows them to get the medication without having step out of their home.  The online option has made the medical abortion procedure cheaper and easily accessible if compared to surgical abortion method.

When referring to the internet to search abortion medicines, it allows you to compare prices and choose the ones which are affordable for you. Women are advised not to choose the pharmacies which are offering cheap medicines, however, do not guarantee the quality and efficacy of abortion pills.

The abortion pills that you choose must be approved by regulatory bodies for the termination of pregnancy. Also, it is equally important for you to consult a healthcare provider before you take abortion pills to end an unwanted pregnancy.

Your healthcare provider can better help you know which abortion pills suit your body and pregnancy gestation. Generally, abortion pills such as Mifeprex and Cytolog work great on a pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation.


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