Health Benefits of Sexual Intercourse

  Sexual intercourse can have health benefits and that’s true! Sadly the subject is always unspoken or neglected by individuals. The benefits of sexual intercourse can always help if you know the how and wherefores of lovemaking activities! The most important benefit of sexual intercourse is its stress relief magic! If you can handle your libido during stressed situations, you can also escape from the stress you are facing. The only important part which you must look after is the contraception used during the intercourse. You may have to buy abortion pills and abort the pregnancy if you encounter unwanted pregnancy situation. To avoid any such case, buy birth control pills such as Ovral L, Ovral G or condoms and … Continue reading

Posted in Intercourse Tagged blood pressure, Heart attack, intercourse, sleep

What things you can do to avoid painful intercourse?

Sexual intercourse also accounts to a succeeding pain at times. Most commonly felt by women, a certain report suggests that around 4 out of 6 women feel painful intercourse with their partners. Consequently, the pain varies from individuals to individuals. So where and how does a woman experience pain during sexual intercourse? The first part where a woman can experience pain is the vulva, which is the surrounding area of the vagina. This subsequently is caused due to dryness in the vagina area or even outside. Consequently, it leads to further complications such as lower abdominal pain and even at times back pain. The pelvic region is most affected along the certain parts of inside the vagina. Pain in the … Continue reading

Posted in Intercourse Tagged intercourse, lubricant, pain, pills