Sexual intercourse can have health benefits and that’s true! Sadly the subject is always unspoken or neglected by individuals. The benefits of sexual intercourse can always help if you know the how and wherefores of lovemaking activities!
The most important benefit of sexual intercourse is its stress relief magic! If you can handle your libido during stressed situations, you can also escape from the stress you are facing. The only important part which you must look after is the contraception used during the intercourse.
You may have to buy abortion pills and abort the pregnancy if you encounter unwanted pregnancy situation. To avoid any such case, buy birth control pills such as Ovral L, Ovral G or condoms and prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
This blog will explain you some of the surprising health benefits of sexual intercourse.
Improves Women’s Bladder Control
It is essential for a woman to avoid incontinence. Many women face this problem in their life after the 30s. When you get involved in sexual activities, your pelvic floor muscles become healthy. The orgasm encountered during the intercourse activity causes contractions in these muscles eventually making them stronger.
Blood Pressure Controller!
Recent studies have found that blood pressure gets lower or controlled during the sexual intercourse activity. Though it is not found in the cases of masturbation, the two-way sexual intercourse has assuredly showed lowered BP instances.
Sexual intercourse counts as a form of exercise. Since you utilize various muscle during sexual intercourse helps make your muscles healthier and better.
Lowers Heart Attack Risk
Since sexual intercourse helps to maintain the estrogen and testosterone levels in your body, it also helps to prevent heart rate risks. If any one of the factors is low, there’s can be a risk of heart problems.
Pain Relief
When you get involved in lovemaking and sexual intercourse, the orgasm produced helps block pain. It essentially relieves hormone which is responsible for pain threshold. In cases where orgasm is not produced, even the vaginal stimulation can help relieve pain. A headache, menstrual cramps or abdominal pain can be reduced with sexual intercourse. One must note that when you buy abortion pills and perform a medical abortion, you do cannot have sexual intercourse to relive the abdominal pain.
Improves Sleep
orgasm produced during sexual intercourse not only helps relieve pain but also helps leverage peaceful sleep. Yes, that’s right! You can improve your sleep after having sexual intercourse. This is because of the relieved strain.
There are many other health benefits of sexual intercourse. These are a few listed in the blogs. All that being said, you must take into account the protection used during sexual intercourse. If you do not wish to get pregnant, you must also follow protected sexual activities.
Unprotected sexual activities can lead to unwanted pregnancy situations which are always a terrifying situation for a woman. Of course, with today’s medical facilities, you can easily buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol to end your early uneventful pregnancy, however, precaution is better than cure!