What is sexual intercourse after a medical abortion like?

Sex after medical abortionAbortion is a stigmatized women’s healthcare topic. One discussion that gets lost in this meddling is what you need to know about sexual intercourse after an abortion. It is important to understand and learn more about lifestyle in the post-abortion phase so that you don’t worsen your situation instead of improving it.

You shouldn’t resume intercourse soon after the procedure

Medical practitioners strictly advise that you must wait until a complete recovery before indulging in intimate acts after a medical termination of pregnancy. If you read about the abortion pills online or educate yourself through books, you will be able to gather that the female reproductive system is highly sensitized after their administration. So, it will make a woman highly prone to infections and other complications if she chooses not to refrain from intercourse. Not only this, you must even avoid stimulation through the insertion of anything into the vagina.

If you fail to follow these instructions and experience enhanced symptoms of fever, pain or bleeding, you must consult a healthcare expert immediately.

A maintained health must be your top priority. Your body should feel back to normal in a time period of about 2-4 weeks and you can then switch to your routine life. But is better to take the aforementioned precautions until then.

Will it necessarily be painful?

Some people falsely claim that sexual intercourse after an abortion is necessarily very painful due to the changes caused in the body. You must get counseled by a doctor before taking up an abortion. Even if you had looked to buy abortion pill online, you must know the working of the medication. This will help you debunk such myths and know what the truth is. Neither the change caused by Mifepristone nor that caused by Misoprostol leads to any permanent damage to the body. So, if you followed the right protocols, took the necessary precautions, and waited until a complete recovery from the abortion phase, you should face no trouble during sexual intercourse afterward.

However, if you faced any complication during the process such as an infection, you might experience discomfort. You can consult your doctor to help you with this situation.

When should I start using contraception?

There’s a misconception in women that it is completely normal to have unprotected intercourse after an abortion as you haven’t had your first menstruation. Well, when you buy Mifeprex and Misoprostol or similar drug combinations to end your pregnancy, it will take around 15 days to completely recover from the process. Once you are recovered, you remain as fertile as you were before and hence eligible to become pregnant with unprotected intercourse.

You must start taking contraceptive measures soon after an abortion. The physiological clock is reset and there are chances of you getting pregnant right after your pregnancy ending. You must, hence, not get involved in unprotected sexual relations. Every woman must be informed that she need not wait to get an IUD. They can choose to buy birth control pills like Ovral G.

In fact, your doctor may prescribe birth control measures during a follow-up session. Or, you can place an order online right when you buy abortion pill so that you do not have to wait. You must also be aware that these contraceptives do not prevent STDs. It is always wise to use protection like condoms at all times.

2 thoughts on “What is sexual intercourse after a medical abortion like?

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