Emergency Contraceptive Pills and Abortion pills are not the same

Abortion pills and emergency contraception pills are tow different things

Although both medications help women deal with an unwanted pregnancy, abortion pills and emergency contraceptive pills are way too different medicines. Besides both medicines are consumed in different situations with different purposes. This blog helps you understand the difference between abortion pills and emergency contraceptive pills.

What are abortion pills?

Abortion pills are a medication which brings in an abortion of an early pregnancy up to 63 days. There’s a medicine combination which together works on ending the unwanted pregnancy. There’s no single pregnancy termination pill can end the pregnancy alone.

What are emergency contraceptive pills?

Emergency contraceptive pills do not end an early pregnancy but prevent it before it takes place. There’s only one pill which is taken at the given time to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. If not taken as per the given timing, the woman may get pregnant.

When do you take abortion pills?

You can take abortion pills if.

  • You have an unwanted pregnancy up to the gestation of 9 weeks.
  • You’re 18+ years old.
  • The pregnancy is normal.

When do you take Contraceptive pills?

You can take abortion emergency contraceptive pill if_

  • You have had unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Consumption of the pill is happening within 72 hours after you have had intercourse.

Which pills can be bought online?

You can buy abortion pills online and also the emergency contraceptive. However, since emergency contraceptive pills have a higher urgency of want after having unprotected sexual intercourse, buying it online is of high risks. On the hand, finding abortion pills at the online pharmacies is a better option since it offers delivery within a week and also makes sure you enjoy privacy while purchasing the pills.

If you wish to buy emergency contraceptive pills online, you’ll have to purchase them even before you plan to have sexual intercourse. Having it at your place then consumer it after unprotected sexual intercourse is the only way online emergency pills can help you in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.

Which medicines are included in the medication of abortion pills?

Abortion pills include Mifepristone, Generic RU 486, Mifeprex, Misoprostol, Cytolog. Amongst this, Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the two abortion pills which are known to be most effective for terminating an unwanted pregnancy. MTP kit is a product wherein you get both of these pills in a single kit at a comparatively lower price. You can easily find MTP kit online as it is also one of the popular medical abortion kits.

Which medicines are included in the emergency contraceptive pills?

Plan B is an emergency contraceptive pill which is used for the successful prevention of an unwanted pregnancy.

Which of the pills are over-the-counter?

While the emergency contraceptive pill is an over-the-counter pill, abortion pills are not. To buy abortion pills from online pharmacies or local stores, you have to submit a prescription letter first.

How do both pills work?

Mifepristone pill of the abortion pills contains anti-progesterone components which stop the development of the fetus. Misoprostol abortion pill of the drug combination consists of prostaglandin components. These components remove the pregnancy contents from the body through vaginal bleeding and cramps in the lining of the uterus.

The emergency contraceptive pill works similar to the birth control pill. Its components thicken the cervix and put stops the sperms from developing in the uterus, eventually preventing unwanted pregnancy.

What are the side effects?

The side effects of abortion pills include migraine, sickness, vomiting, excessive bleeding, diarrhea etc. The emergency contraceptive pill has similar side effects which include headache, vomiting, lighter menstruation, hot flashes etc. The side effects of both abortion pills and emergency contraceptive pills are temporary in nature and go away within a few days.