Healthy and Energetic Diet for Medical Abortion

diet for medical abortion

By time you are ready to have the pills, it is advised you to have a small meal at least prior to using abortion pills consumption. Moreover, keep drinking liquids, except anything advised as alcohol or herbal. You may eat very less during the whole procedure if there is a need, however in case you nauseate regularly, then skip solid food, however stick to fluids like fruit juices and ale. If the issue continues for more than 4-6 hours, then inform a physician. Keep up the same precaution with diarrhea so that they you are dehydrated. The main idea is not to pump up your stomach with heavy food or junk. As like any medication process, keep your diet for medical abortion minimum and healthy. Stick to what the doctor has prescribed you. If you are not sure, simply ask your doctor, however do not take something, which makes you feel at the tip of your throat or very sleepy. This right away cancels out eating of any recreational drugs, edibles or other drugs.

REMINDER: Before you buy abortion pill kit online, consult your healthcare provider as to which drugs can interact with abortion pills. Comfort foodstuffs are advised, and ginger ale for getting rid of nausea. If you wish to know more, don’t hesitate. You can always refer to your physician for extra inputs about appropriate diet for abortion.

What should one eat?

As bleeding is heavier than normal menstrual cycles, and you are bound to feel few strong cramps, it is recommendable to shun foods, which can maximize the blood cramps or flow. If there is no bleeding after consuming drugs, either the medicines are false or it is sign of ectopic pregnancy. In order to get genuine drugs, you may buy abortion pills online but from trustworthy pharmacy.

Bleeding can again make you feel tired and lethargic, so you can go for ‘mood boosting’ for e.g. coffee or chocolate. Except for healthy snacking, things you may like to carry are blankets, comfortable clothes to wear, which are not too constrictive, and something to listen or read to (favorite songs on play-list). The pregnancy termination medications itself does not cause irritation or mood swings, the nature of the procedure may demand for relaxation.

Snacking and Relaxing:

While having water, ensure it is not too cold. Try to include electrolytes, because it will level up the energy. Food and drinks at room temperature are more suitable; however you may like to get a hot water bottle and heating pad to soothe the cramps. Additionally, towels to sit on with longs pads will certainly help soothe the blood draining. If the physician has given antibiotics or nausea drugs, then have these as prescribed. A good painkiller is Ibuprofen, however do shun aspirin.

Have enough of rest and eat revitalizing fruits, such as apples, oranges, watermelon, etc. Do ask someone to help you in the procedure if you wish to have a help over, make yourself a smoothie. Carry a thermometer handy to note any chills or fever. It is usual to have a little high temperature for couple of hours, and consuming soup this time may give a ‘positive’ vibe.