The Color of Menstrual Blood Discloses All Harmful Changes in the Body

Color of Menstrual Blood

Why should you be worried?


A regular menstrual cycle indicates a healthy reproductive system. Menstruation makes up about 5-7 days of this cycle. The changes brought about during this period usually result in a few symptoms like abdominal cramps and minor aches in the body. The severity of these symptoms need not necessarily be the same in all women. However, the color of your menstrual period can be expected to say a lot about your reproductive health.

In fact, at times, during your periods you may observe the color of the discharge to be brighter or darker than usual. Many females also face spotting mid-cycle. What can sometimes be a sign of worry is the color of the blood and it is essential to know what the specific colors indicate and when you must contact a gynecologist.


What do the colors say?



Pink indicates low estrogen levels but is typical of the menstrual period in some females. You may also see pink blood if your routine exercises are intense or if you recently started with a new work schedule.

However, if it takes place earlier, for example, in the middle of your cycle, it may be an indication of the onset of pregnancy. It is common during the first trimester. If you see other signs of diseases like PCOS, or a hormonal disorder, it is best to visit a physician.

Bright red:

This is an indication that blood flow and expulsion of uterine contents is regular in your body. Different shades of red are normal. If bleeding lasts for longer, it may fade to a shade of pink. All this is however a sign that you system is functioning as it should and there is no sign of a worry.

On the other hand, if the reds are mixed with tints of gray, it could mean that you have acquired an STI. In most of these cases, the discharge is also foul smelling.


A bright orange to yellow blood is a sign of a uterine infection. Kindly visit a trained professional immediately. This color is also seen when a number of time the blood gets mixed with fluids of the cervix.

If you suspect this to just be a lighter shade of red, or more watery than your usual period blood, it can be a sign of severe anemia or nutrient deficiency. Consult a doctor who will be able to prescribe you nutrient supplements.


Oxidation of blood can make it look darker. So, if the blood has been in the uterus for long as a part on an older uterine lining, it may be discharged with a brownish tinge. Every newly formed lining has its own expulsion rate. There is no formally established reason why this happens but is normal and there is no reason to panic.


What are the other indications?


Heavier flow:

You might experience an abnormally heavy flow of blood even after years of normal periods. It is a point of concern you soak a sanitary napkin completely in an hour or so. This is not a serious health issue but can lead to a number of other health problems. Your menstruation might also last longer than 7 days. This issue can be treated with medication.


Clots can result from regular highs of progesterone and estrogen. However, bigger sized clots accompanied by a typical odor or heavier bleeding can indicate uterine fibroids. These are cancerous cells accumulated in the womb and are surely a matter of immediate concern.

This entry was posted in Women's Health and tagged Color of Menstrual Blood, Menstrual period

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