Unplanned Pregnancy- Know What You May Be Walking Into

unplanned pregnancy

There are three million unplanned pregnancies in the U.S. each year. It is crucial that you seek accurate and unbiased information and unplanned pregnancy help. The following links for complete information on the steps you need to take as well as finding out tips on making the decision about adoption, parenthood, and abortion.

Did my birth control fail?

If your period is delayed, you may be beginning to wonder if you could be pregnant. Another question that you may have could include: What if you are pregnant? What do I do if I have an unintended pregnancy? Did my birth control fail? When will I know, and how can I tell if I am pregnant? Learn about the female reproductive system, conception, and ovulation to help determine if you may be at risk for an unintended pregnancy.

All about pregnancy test:

Prior you start to consider the notion that your contraceptive may have failed, it is a good idea to first confirm whether you are pregnant or not. The most and best reliable method to determine if you are pregnant is to take a home pregnancy test, which are available in quite a few brands. These pregnancy tests detect the hCG hormones which is found in a pregnant women’s urine. Blood pregnancy tests check for the same hCG hormone; but, these tests detect the hormone in the blood, so they should be perform at doctor’s clinic.

Unplanned Pregnancy help:

Once you have confirmed that you are pregnant, you can start on with your decision making. You may or may not wish to have baby. Even if you want to have a child, you may not be prepared at this point of time. Identify that it is usual to be experiencing a variety of emotions. Despite of your age, when confronted with an unplanned pregnancy, it is tough decision- possibly the toughest one you will ever make. Currently, it is vital that you become educated of your pregnancy options.  These consist: pregnancy termination, keeping the baby, placing the baby up for an adoption.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers:

Talking about your feelings might help you to take decisions about your pregnancy options. Even though it is a very personal decision, you do not have to make it alone. You may find it helpful to share your emotions and thoughts with someone who will be supportive such as your friend, partner, or a family member. Women also have the choice to seek guidance from a counselor or health educator who will be supportive and unbiased. Be mindful about seeking support from a crisis pregnancy center. These pregnancy centers may provide free pregnancy tests and appear to offer valid counseling about adoption, pregnancy options, and abortion.  Still number of crisis pregnancy centers can be misleading and deceptive.

All about abortion:

Abortion is terminating the pregnancy. Given that unintended pregnancy is an issue, which affects thousands of people every year, pregnancy termination is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the country. There are various types of abortion procedures, depending upon your stage of pregnancy. It may be useful to become well-informed about abortion facts, the reasons for pregnancy termination, and the different methods available.

This entry was posted in Abortion, Women's Health and tagged adoption, home pregnancy test, parenthood, pregnancy termination, Unplanned Pregnancy