Does Lighter Period Means A Woman Is Pregnant?


A lighter menstrual cycle than regular can be caused by a number of things, such as pregnancy, stress, illness and other things. At times a female will have spotting and might feel her period is about to begin and couldn’t see bleeding. This kind of spotting can be implantation bleeding that is the earliest sign of pregnancy, which is sometimes mistaken for a menstrual period. It can as well be that your menstrual cycle simply is lighter that month.

There are numerous reasons that your menstrual period might differ.


If you experience any form of an abnormal menstrual period, take a pregnancy test. It is the best way to tell if you are pregnant or not. This way is less expensive. Pregnancy is the probably caused of something being different in your cycle, especially if you have not been using contraceptive.

To get the best results, it might be best to wait until you miss your next menstrual cycle. This can be a home pregnancy test. In majority of cases, you do not have to notify anyone of the test or the results.

Even if you know you are pregnant, and if you had a lighter-than-normal cycle, you must inform your doctor. This can change your due date, making you further along or less far along than you had thought beforehand. Having the wrong date can shift some tests and other parts of your prenatal care.

Weight loss or Gain:

If you have undergone a sudden shift in weight, this can at times affect your menstrual period. Over-exercising can also affect your menstrual cycles, particularly when you put a lot of physical stress on the body.

Life Stress:

Emotional stress, like the loss of a loved one, or major life stressors in work or your home life can take a toll on your body and affect your menstrual cycle.


Going on hormonal contraceptive can as well cause a change in your period. It is not unusual for females to undergo lighter than normal periods and shorter periods, while on a contraceptive pill.

If a change in your menstrual cycle bothers you, you can stop utilizing hormone- based birth control. There are hormone-free options for contraceptive such as male and female condoms, a non-hormonal IUD device, and foams. Ensure to ask your physician for advice on the method that is best for you.


If a woman is getting older, than menstrual cycles may shift. She may be pre-menopausal. This does not mean you have lost your fertility, it means the chances of you becoming pregnant are very less. Contraceptive must still be a consideration until menopause.

Medical Condition:

There are medical conditions, including Asherman’s syndrome or cervical stenosis is uncommon, however it can lead to trapping of menstrual blood in the womb. Asherman’s syndrome is caused by a uterine scarring following D&C process. Contact with your physician if you have a light flow and undergo intense cramps.

This entry was posted in Women's Health and tagged Contraceptive, Menstrual cycle, Pregnancy, Weight loss