Information about Nuvaring Vaginal Birth Control Ring

Nuvaring Vaginal Birth Control Ring

Nuvaring vaginal birth control ring is a safe, simple, and soft plastic ring that includes the hormones progesterone and estrogen, same to the combined oral birth control pill. The small, flexible ring is placed inside the vagina and hormones cease ovulation. When ovulation doesn’t take place there is no egg hanging around for sperm to fertilize, thus pregnancy can’t take place.

The ring’s hormones as well thicken the mucus, which is present in the cervical area. Thicker cervical mucus makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg.

The main way that the vaginal ring works is to cease your ovaries from releasing egg. The contraceptive ring works in a same way to the tablet. Insert vaginal ring in your vagina. The contraceptive vaginal ring stays in for 3 weeks. After that you take it out for one week. At the end of that week you put a new ring in your vagina. A majority of females cannot feel the vaginal ring once it is inserted. Your physician will tell you the best time to put the first ring in your vagina.

How well does it work?

With perfect use the Nuvaring birth control is more than 99% effective. A woman must keep in mind to take it out and insert a new one in again at the correct time. She can set an alarm or a reminder on your phone or sign up for a text reminder.

To get Nuvaring’s full contraceptive powers, you have got to use it properly. The below things can help you stay on schedule and remember when it’s time to insert in a new ring:

  • Set a monthly alarm on your phone or Use contraceptive reminder app.
  • Make a note your ring removal and placing days on your calendar.
  • Keep your replacement rings in the same place so you do not lose them.
  • Family members or friends who use the ring can remind each other and you can be ring buddies.
  • Once you get Nuvaring (vaginal ring) online store your rings at room temperature, and away from direct sunlight for up to 4 months (16 weeks). Insert any ring that you won’t use within 4 months in the refrigerator.

Advantages of Nuvaring:

  • You do not require keeping in mind to take a pill daily.
  • It is not necessarily to be fitted by a physician, there is only one size.
  • This vaginal birth control gives a relatively low dose of hormones unlike most combined contraceptive tablets.
  • When you stop the utilizing the Nuvaring your fertility reverts to its normal level very rapidly.
  • The birth control ring gives good control of your menstrual cycles. A woman will experience withdrawal bleeding, which feels same as a lighter period. This happens in the week when the ring is not in the vagina. You can avoid this bleeding by skipping the ring-free period altogether and inserting a new ring immediately.
This entry was posted in Women's Health and tagged Nuvaring Birth Control Ring, prevent pregnancy, Vaginal ring online