Avoid Invasive Pregnancy Termination with Abortion Pills

medical abortion pills

Abortion pills (Mifepristone & misoprostol) are used to abort a pregnancy that is within 10 weeks gestation. The majority of women can resume with everyday routine within a few days of pregnancy termination, however may experience slight bleeding until a month later. It is recommended that the drug combination is taken to result in a successful abortion. If there is miscarriage in between doses, then an ultrasound scan of the uterus will decide on further treatment, however, the scan is done immediately after 14 days of the medicine regimen. The chances are very rare, but in case, if the drugs fail, then the person is asked to undergo surgery to remove an embryo.

What are the ways of using Misoprostol drug?

Some females buy abortion pills online to prefer using Misoprostol via vaginal inserting, as few of the women may not like to take it buccally (i.e. keeping the 4 pills in the cheek pouches for 30 minutes and swallowing it without water). To get the best effect, the drugs should be inserted deep beyond the cervix. However, there is no specific position required for the drug to be placed inside the vagina. The women can lie down, or stand with a leg up, or squat to insert the drugs into her vagina or the way she feels comfortable. Doctors may give pain drugs as the process involves mild uterus cramping causing abdomen pain that is just like extreme menses.

What would woman experience during the procedure?

The women may experience nausea, vomiting, and if she regurgitates the pills after consumption, then she needs to take another dosage. Usually, the individual doesn’t notice any discomfort, after the initial Mifepristone dose. But if seen, then it may be slight bleeding. However, she starts bleeding heavily after half an hour of Misoprostol drugs sublingual intake, which is consumed right after 1 to 2 days of the initial drug (Mifepristone). The individual need not have to worry much if the bleeding is more than expected; the doctors can prescribe drug treatment for the same.

Is a support person required during the process?

If there is somebody to help with the regimen at home, the women may feel much relieved. However, a person’s presence is in fact not mandatory when it comes to administration of the drug. It is absolutely a personal choice whether or not to have a support person and just a precautionary measure in case an emergency results and the female has to be taken to a nearby health clinic for care.

What does a woman pass out during abortion?

What the female usually sees is blood clots larger or smaller leaving her vagina, which has fetal remnants and pregnancy tissues. Such tissues may be identifiable if the person is in the higher gestation stage. But, those below eight weeks can see only a sac that is in the developing phase during the early pregnancy.  A ten-week-old fetus is that of a grapefruit-size only, and the female may or may not make out it once it is eliminated.

How long it take to have a complete abortion by medicines?

The abortion pills online work best on females. It helps them pass out most of the pregnancy tissues within 4-5 hours of using the Misoprostol drugs. For some, it may take a bit longer, more like lasting for a few days in a row. No extra medical care is required unless any complications are noticed or severe side effects. However, getting a uterus ultrasound on the 14th day should not be shunned, as the scan will prove the efficacy of the treatment. If the pregnancy tissues do not leave the uterus until then, most likely vacuum aspiration will be used to complete the process.